Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Module 6

Reflection Question #6

What are some ways that students can use technology (ie. e-mail) to communicate with community leaders, experts and students around the world?


Blogger Jennifer Kim said...

Students can communicate with people through video conferencing, which can be done with the whole class in school. It would be a great way to teach multiculturalism if the class was able to video conference with a class in a different country. It would be a great way to share resources, and unique culture if this type of video conferencing was available for the students.

I think the more popular way to communicate would be via e-mail. Many people mentioned e-pals, and I agree that this would allow the students to get to know other students, living in a different surrounding.

It is great that technology is so advanced now because it allows easy and access to many resources. Through e-pals, students can respond faster and more frequently than writing letters (like I did when I was in elementary school). Video conferencing abilities with certain educational centers such as the science center, makes it convenient for students to learn specific lessons without having to visit the center so often. Students can come in contact with certain resources that may not be available in schools through video conferencing.

However, I feel that teachers need to educate children on the safety of communicating with people through certain websites. It may be dangerous for children to communicate with people from sites that my not be legitimate. Teachers should warn students about communicating with strangers on the internet at home, and introduce safe sites to them.

6:52 PM  

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